Friday, August 13, 2010


; the start of a feeling or awareness in a person. I've had several of these that I can really remember through my twenties. When I had Lily I felt like I could do anything and it started a little ripple effect in my life. From picking up crocheting, tending plants (as opposed to killing them), cooking, France, sewing, reading monster books that seemed insurmountable... and so on. I got this feeling of ,'Ok, I'm an out of the box thinker, I know this so I might have to do things differently to do them well. All that to say I have always wanted to play an instrument so that I could play and sing and worship in that way whenever. So I got to thinking. Reading music never worked for me. I'm guessing my piano teachers popped ibuprofen before I came. The light never came on. But I know the chords on piano and guitar music has the chords, so Voila'! I can now play piano and sing and I'm so glad to be in another awakening. I'm thankful to Jesus for giving me my 30th birthday present 1 month early. He's so good to me!


  1. So, your pregnant again? Congrats.

  2. What I am saying people is that, no I am not pregnant-Josh, and yes I have a piano. that is all.
