Sunday, July 31, 2011

Let's do this.

If you're like me you have all sorts of different kinds of days. You have the uneventful, where you wouldn't necessarily call them good or bad, but just days. You have the days that are great, where you are rested, surrounded by great moments of laughing and joy and when you lay down on the pillow that night you're not questioning the words you said, or the actions of your children, you're just thankful and at peace. Then other days fall into the 'Let's do this' category. Kids are up earlier than usual, quiet time is missed, coffee didn't work and you are seeing all the characteristics in your kids that make you question your parenting abilities. I tend to push through these days, pray for grace and understanding and for the Heavenly Father who is the perfect parent, to once again take the reigns. At the end of these days, I usually turn to Andy and ask, 'Are we doing things right?' 'What do we need to change and work on?' 'This is harder than I anticipated.' On the 'Let's do this' days I especially need to remember to give myself grace and do-overs. The day doesn't have to continue on this track. 2PM is a perfectly good time to make things right! We are coming out of Andy having a very full schedule and me feeling very spent as a mom. Grace needs to abound in our house especially these days. Everyone feels a little off, isolated and out of sync as our work is very lifestyle instead of 8-5. Our annual camping trip is coming and I can't wait to reconnect, rest, and recreate, just us. I didn't know exactly how much I felt this until this morning when I was edgy and the tears started coming. 2 Trader Joe Dark Chocolate bars dipped in peanut butter and Andy taking over has definitely helped on the road to emotional well-being. A week unplugged and unprogrammed will be the icing on the cake!

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