1. I hardly cooked! Now I like cooking and all, but if you can remove that from an occasion where other prep has to happen, well I like that better. The b-day girl had requested salmon, avocado/tomato salad, and strawberry cake. Andy made delicious salmon, my mom made the salad and cake, and I bought Izze's and bread from Walmart. Voila'!
2. Small guest list. When I began this journey of parenting parties in my mind were bigger=better. I sit here today friends a changed woman. Keep it simple is my new stand-by. We invited close family, our best friends and the kids closest friends, and the night was splendid!
3. Make it special without the expense. My parents brought up a small patio table for the birthday girl and her best friend to sit at. I cut some zinnia's from the garden and they felt oh so grown up.
So, some lessons learned on my behalf. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the night. I should also mentioned that I had a minor breakdown when I realized my baby is 5. How did that happen?
Here's the birthday girl's request every morning after chocolate milk. Put the Avett Brothers on