Not too much too report from here, as of late. Remember the 91 year-old who came to dinner? She had 2 pieces of pizza, which I found impressive. Life is good and quiet... Spring has been teasing us, and winter is hanging on for dear life. I finished up 'Jane Eyre' and enjoyed it so much that I checked out 'Wuthering Heights' today. I didn't read these classics growing up, and they are such a treat to be discovering now. We are trying to make the Easter season really special with lots of fun, but hopefully purposeful activities that include; daily readings from Luke covering 'The Triumphal Entry' to the 'Resurrection' on Sunday morning and a Friday night worship concert at a local church. Eggs will be colored and found, hot cross buns will be had and a lamb cake to boot. Anyone know how to make a good lamb cake? I have also started work on my thesis which God took in a different direction than I had originally thought. I am making a mentorship packet for young women, and I'm so excited! God is really giving me more hours in the day, creativity and energy to finish this journey. I am so grateful and excited to see it be used.
In the great words of our librarian (who I love) today at story time, 'Easter is all about bunnies and eggs.' This was a needed reminder to me that if we're not teaching our kids the real meaning of life and holidays don't be surprised when they're 20 and not getting it.
Wow, Emily! You are busy! I've been late this year in getting my Holy Week stuff together. I looked for lamb cake help on the web and came up with this cupcake idea:,,birthdayparty_d06q7wd7,00.html It's cute, but a little time-consuming... so I think we're going to just going to make and decorate sugar cookies. I have lots of shapes from Christmas and picked out a few that pertain to Holy Week: an angel, a bell, a "J," a tree. I'd love to add a lamb to it--we'll see what I can come up with tomorrow! Happy Easter!