Monday, January 4, 2010


So glad I have a blog where I can vent-goodness knows Andy's ears can only handle so much of my world changing ideas. I'm excited and terrified all at the same time. The simple question in this documentary is, 'Where's our food coming from, and can I see the kitchen?' Simple enough, but just like other pockets of society, ie. medicine, schooling... it's about the mighty dollar. So they mass produce our food and we end up with far from God's design. So I'm going to try and implement small changes around here;
1. Buy locally as much as possible.
2. Buy organic, as much as possible.
3. Eat less meat and when we do, know the source. I haven't heard of anyone dying from lack of protein, so I think we're good here.
4. Not become a crazy environmental, hippy-dippy, but be a wise and responsible steward of God's good gifts which includes animals.

Check 'Food,Inc.' out and just try to eat a hamburger during it, I dare you.


  1. ...I'm looking forward to seeing it. Did Andy make it through the whole thing?

  2. A better question is 'Did Andy expand his horizons by watching it at all?' The answer is no. He's in denial about his precious steak being compromised.
