Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Say it with me now,

May is too busy. I mean could we pack another thing in besides Mother's day, b-days, graduations, and anniversaries? Yes we can! Our annual family camping trip. We headed up
North for some quality time before summer craziness hits our house. Highlights include but are not limited to.

a) Banana boat date with dad.

b) Wilsons- Great burgers, better ice cream. Andy surprised me with a chocolate ice cream, with hot fudge and marshmallow topping. Better than it sounds, it was awesome!

c) Having a romantic 7th anniversary while sharing a tent with a 2 and 4 year-old. Oh, and the whole 6 months pregnant thing.

d) Campfire time and a traditional fish boil. We also enjoyed the biking, hiking and a special night out at the local drive-in movie theatre.

Monday, May 18, 2009

61 degrees and sunny.

Break out the water slide. Makes sense right? All involved were freezing and blissful, which usually don't go hand in hand. Woke up, biked to Wal-Mart for the very necessary Ovaltine and Nutella. Came back ate French toast on the back porch and then headed out on a solo walk. We can't get enough of this beautiful, spring weather.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Good for the soul.

It's so good to spend time with those who really know you. Jennie went all through school and the first part of college with Andy. We became close friends soon after Andy and I started dating (we've been together 9 years). She was our neighbor during our first year of marriage in New York and would pop over daily for coffee and living room pilates sessions. I love her and her huge heart for ministry and others, she's precious. The last time we hung out was the night our boat went down on Lake Geneva. Needless to say we were staying on solid ground last night.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

We get pretty excited around here...

about babies.

We had so much fun getting a sneak peak at our latest addition last night. We also had fun watching 'Wolverine' and going out to dinner, but this is about the baby.

We don't know the gender. Andy keeps calling the baby a fella. He is in some need of male companionship among all these females. I am in my 23rd week and there is something that really troubles me. Abortion at any stage is wrong. Close to where we live in Madison, WI they recently approved 2nd term abortion, which is the 21st-28th week of pregnancy. We have to speak up and fight for those babies that don't have voices yet. We watched our baby yawn, flip, and suck their thumb. The plain truth is that Satan has deceived and the only true redemption is a life change found in Christ.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Go Camping.

Just do. Do I always feel like it? Uh no... It is alot of work, even for an overnight, but always worth it. Kids think it is the most magical thing to sleep and wake up outside. Great conversation and silence happen as you're taking in God's beauty as a family.

I keep reminding myself that they're not going to be little forever. To cherish every second and take advantage of every minute with them. What better way than to get away from distractions and to just be still.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Mom, I know how to wink now.

With a very determinied face this was the finished product. We're calling it the wink & hold.